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Yes, offers a hassle-free platform to book flights from the USA to Cayman Islands. Explore our user-friendly website and find the best deals to make your travel planning experience seamless.
No, believes in transparent pricing. The flight fares displayed on our platform include all applicable taxes and fees. Rest assured, you won't encounter any unpleasant surprises during the booking process. understands that plans may change. Depending on the airline, you may be eligible for a refund or change of your flight itinerary. Check the specific airline's policies, and we'll assist you in any way possible to accommodate your needs. allows you to choose your seat preference during the flight booking process. Enjoy the convenience of selecting your seat in advance, ensuring a comfortable journey from the USA to the stunning Cayman Islands.
Once you've booked your flight through, we'll provide you with a booking confirmation. You can also sign up for our newsletter to receive timely updates on flight statuses, gate changes, and any other essential information related to your travel.
Once you’ve selected your desired hotel, flight or activity, you’ll be prompted to enter the necessary personal information (e.g. guest details for hotel check-in or passport information for international flights). After this step, you’ll have 100+ payment options to choose from.
Simply select the cryptocurrency you wish to use from:
You’ll then be provided with a QR code and wallet address. Either scan the QR code with your wallet of choice or manually enter the wallet address and the associated cryptocurrency amount displayed in your wallet (note: NOT the fiat value). Then, complete the transaction using your wallet.
Once the payment is sent and confirmed on the blockchain network, the booking process will be completed. You’ll receive confirmation of your reservation via email, which will include all your tickets and booking details. Refer to our step-by-step guide for more information.
We accept 100+ traditional and cryptocurrency payment methods, including credit/debit card, Binance Pay, Pay, WeChat Pay, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. See our full list of payment options.
The AVA Smart Program is a crypto loyalty travel program that offers savings of up to 13% on travel bookings via direct discounts, loyalty rewards and AVA payment discounts, alongside many other benefits.
These rewards are available to travellers who choose to use either cryptocurrencies or traditional payment options.
The Smart Program has several tiers and can be activated by locking up AVA. You still own 100% of the AVA tokens and can unlock at any time after 30 days.
Our 24/7 support team is always on hand to help with any questions or issues you may have. Contact the support team via live chat (look for the Support icon in the bottom corner of any page) or submit a support ticket here.
The cryptocurrency rate is calculated at checkout based on the fiat value and is held for 40 minutes once the payment module displaying the QR code is activated.
If the payment module is closed, the equivalent cryptocurrency rate will be updated automatically.